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Operating instructions, manuals

The operating instructions for the assembly, operation, maintenance and repair of technical installations or machines are extremely important for the user. In addition, it is necessary for the installation or machine to be explained accordingly during the commissioning.
Incorrect, incomplete, misleading or incomprehensible operating instructions can lead to unprofitable and improper use and represent a considerable source of danger to people and property.

The operating instructions are part of the product and must be supplied in the official language(s) of the user’s country. Each manufacturer, dealer and importer in the European Union is obligated to translate the operating instructions.

Engineering, design drawings

PromoLingua specialises in technical engineering translation, working with specialised texts and documents that require a very high level of precision and accuracy. We understand that clear and correct translations in this field are especially critical, preserving the initial meaning of terms and concepts and enabling multi-language communication with global audiences.

We are focused on delivering timely translation services that are not only accurate and high quality, but also reinforce the corporate image and brand of your company. No matter the size, scope or complexities of your engineering translation project, or the urgency of the timeline, Verity can manage it. Take your project across international borders with us today.

Service, installation manuals

Different cultures have their standard ways of formulating instructions. Depending on your task, you may have to completely reformulate the passages to make them acceptable to local readers. Despite the abundance of software, it does not guarantee accuracy. With regard to manuals, this is particularly true. You have to get the technical terms right. The automated translation may not guarantee proper structure and clarity overall. This is especially evident when dealing with non-European languages. Despite all the technological advances, we are yet to see the software that would do the job flawlessly.
Hence, the task is best delegated to professionals at PromoLingua.

Performance specifications, parts lists

The success of a translation project depends on its preparation, and this includes the identification of service needs, and then a requirements specification. A specification is defined by ASTM as an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service.

Training material

Effective training and safety measures are the cornerstone of success and long-term sustainability in any business. When staff are well trained, their performance level and knowledge of the job will be second to none, making them an asset to their company.

But in an increasingly global workplace where people are moving overseas more often to help to fill skills gaps and address shortages in certain industries, it can be more complex to deliver effective and well targeted training materials, particularly for those who are new to the country.

For this reason, the effective translation of educational materials in the automotive industry is an important tool for any company. Having the materials available to teach people what they will need to know to do a great job, but in their own language, can be the difference between employees being good and being fantastic in their role.

Auto Presentations, tenders

The automotive supply chain from initial design through to component manufacturing, product assembly and finally sales and marketing, involves a wide range of people and services. Such a broad, yet highly technical industry demands an equally specialised language services partner to accommodate such complex requirements and provide automotive translation and user manual ether it’s a user manual translation, or mechanical translation we also offer a range of automotive translation solutions for the localisation of OBD (on-board diagnostics) and other software UI content.

We offer a complete automotive translation of web or brochure content, CAD drawings, e-Learning material or user manuals. translate plus is a software-independent translation company which supports all file types, ranging from Microsoft Office applications to InDesign, FrameMaker, CorelDRAW and CAD-based applications.

Accuracy is king, as complex and precise mechanical drawings, designs and documents are shared between stakeholders with a range of languages within the workflow. At translate plus our dedicated team of expert translators for the automotive industry come from a mechanical and technical background, ensuring they have the necessary understanding, terminology and attention to detail that such technical projects require.translation solutions.